Monday, April 25, 2016

Differences in history between Sweden and Italy!

Ciao! We got the mission to research about the differences in history between Sweden and Italy, and what we found is that the earliest finds of humans in Italy are approximately 700.000 years old and that the pioneers of Sweden settled down about 17.000 years ago. One of the reasons as to why Sweden was so late to have any population can be explained by the latest glacial period. During this period Sweden was covered in thick layers of ice and snow while in Italy it was dry and comfortable.

Both Sweden and Italy have history that differs from the rest of the world. Vikings and the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire is one of the most cultures which had had significant impact on Europe. Being an enormous empire made it possible to reach thousands and millions of civilians and thus they learnt about mathematics, politics and the language. They used latin and greek to communicate, Two languages that are still being used today!

We call the 8th to the 11th century, the Viking age. A time that is considered very Scandinavian, especially Swedish. We can still see remains from the Vikings today. Poneglyphs and old castles are scattered all over Sweden and can be found many places. The Vikings are famous for their ships and their long trips crossing the North Sea and the Baltic ocean.

The former Swedish and Italian people had one thing in common. Both loved fighting. In ancient Rome they built a huge arena, also known as the colosseum and the purpose of the arena was to see fights in action. Sweden did unfortunately not build a building to compete in fights. The Vikings were instead of infamous for their brutality and their joy to kill others.

The state religion in both countries are Christianity. But in Sweden they have Protestantism and in Italy they have catholic. Until the mid-17th century the Swedish were also catholic. One of the kings who was responsible of the reformation from Protestantism to catholism was Gustav the ninth, the statue we saw in Gothenburg. The churches in Sweden does not differ compared to the Italian ones. Open port for praying, pictures on the wall of Jesus, and an amazing architecture.

And now that the italian people have been here in Sweden, We can still notice differences between our history and our culture, but I'd rather write about it after we've been to Italy as we still have so much to learn!

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